Salzburg hotel last night: Great hotel, disgusting awful heat wave. Sleepless. Noisy fan. Gak
Train ride today to Switzerland: Nice. Clean. Nicer than an aeroplane. These people must be tall because the train seats are massive. Late.
Zurich train station: Crowded and massive
Lucerne train station: Same
Hotel in Lucerne: cheapest hotel/hostel in Lucerne, (NZ$120 per night), single bed, no bathroom, lino floors, pay for internet.
Lucerne city: So far pretty rad. Lots of people and nice stuff. Cheapish food in the train station including Schoggi Mousse which is great even if you have to eat it with your fingers. By cheap I mean NZ$10 for a cup of mousse...
Lucerne locals: wear black singlets and styley clothes too
Me: Strangely dizzy right now
Weather: Was heat-wave hot, and now a thunderstorm has just started...